Past, present and future of interstitial lung diseases

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This DVD is a production of the ild care foundation. It is a registration of the symposium entitled: ‘Past, present and future of interstitial lung diseases’. This meeting was organised in honour of the oration held when accepting the office of special professor of lung diseases, especially ‘interstitial lung diseases’, at the University of Maastricht, the Netherlands on Friday May 12th 2006 by Prof. dr. Marjolein Drent. The symposium focussed on the interesting and challenging topic interstitial lung diseases (ild). The program contained state of the art lectures of world famous ild specialists. Chairpersons were Prof.dr.J.M.M. van den Bosch, Professor of Interstitial Lung Diseases, St. Antonius Hospital, Nieuwegein, the Netherlands and Prof.dr. E.F.M. Wouters, Head of the Department of Respiratory Medicine, University Hospital Maastricht.

Contents Introduction 
Opening Drs. G.J.H.C.M. Peeters, Chairman board of the University Hospital Maastricht
General introduction Drs. B.M.G. Leers, Mayor of Maastricht
Introduction Part II Prof.dr. E.F.M. Wouters, Maastricht
Lecture I History of sarcoidosis and other ILD. Prof.dr. O.P. Sharma, Los Angeles, USA
Lecture II Current concepts of the management of pulmonary fibrosis.Prof.dr. T.E. King Jr., San Francisco, USA
Lecture III Current concepts of the management of sarcoidosis. Prof. dr. U. Costabel, Essen, Germany
Lecture IV ILD a view for the future. Prof. dr. R.M. Du Bois, London, UK

Prof.dr. U. Costabel, MD
Professor of Medicine and Chief of the Division of Pneumology and Allergology Ruhrlandklinik, Essen, Germany; vice-president WASOG
Prof.dr. R.M. du Bois, MD
Asmarley Professor of Respiratory Medicine; National Heart and Lung Institute Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine; Consultant Physician Royal Brompton Hospital London, England
Prof. dr. T.E. King, Jr., MD
Constance B. Wofsy Distinguished Professor and Chief, Medical Services, San Francisco General Hospital; Professor and Vice Chairman, Department of Medicine, University of California San Francisco, California, USA
Prof. dr. O.P. Sharma, MD
Professor of Medicine, Los Angeles County University of Southern California Medical Center Los Angeles, California, USA; president WASOG

Deze DVD is een uitgave van de ild care foundation. Het is een registratie van het congres gehouden op 12 mei 2006 ter ere van de rede uitgesproken door prof.dr. Marjolein Drent bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar longziekten i.h.b. ‘interstitiële longaandoeningen’ aan de Universiteit Maastricht.
Cover picture: Petal Wijnen (
Druk: Datawyse | Universitaire Pers Maastricht
ISBN: ISBN: 978-90-78076-05-6.
Copyright: © ild care foundation, Maastricht, the Netherlands. 2006.

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Deze DVD is te bestellen bij de ild care foundation. Als u 7.50 euro (administratiekosten en verzendkosten) overmaakt naar rek. nr. t.n.v. de ild care foundation, Maastricht onder vermelding van DVD Congres 12 mei 2006, uw naam en juiste adres, krijgt u na ontvangst van de betaling de DVD binnen een week thuis gestuurd. Verdere informatie kunt u vragen per mail:


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