E-learning: BAL fluid in the work-up of ILD

Everything you always wanted to know about the clinical value of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) in interstitial lung diseases (ILD) and infectious diseases!

In 2015 an online BAL course has been organized for pulmonologists, microbiologists and pathologists. Unfortunately, the material used was no longer available online. The online material is now available for free. This course has been designed and given by prof. Marjolein Drent MD, PhD, pulmonologist and dr. Kitty Linssen MD, PhD, microbiologist.

Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) explores large areas of the alveolar compartment providing cells as well as non-cellular constituents from the lower respiratory tract. It opens a window to the lung. The following presentations provide a detailed insight into the specific morphologic features of BAL and the interpretation of the BAL cell differentials. Moreover, it presents illustrative cases with their clinical profile and characteristic imaging findings. Also, you can find a collection papers of recommended reading.

Do you want to expand your knowledge of the potential practical value and clinical utility of cellular BAL fluid (BALF) analysis in the routine management and care of patients with diffuse ILD? Do you want to acquire the skills needed for applying this knowledge into daily clinical practice and patient management as well?

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